Medical Education

The Institute of Neuroanatomy and the Institute of Anatomye and Experimental Morphology are responsible for the education of medical and dental students in the subject of anatomy. Both institutes teach anatomy to physical education students and in the further education program MolExMed.

Information on lectures, examination dates in anatomy, neuroanatomy, histology etc. can be found in Moodle/Mephisto and in the semester course calendar.

Course coordinator - Medical Education

Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat.
Uwe Wehrenberg
  • Associate Lecturer

N61 , 1st Floor

Course coordinator - Medical Dentristy

Roland Bender
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Roland Bender
  • Research fellow

N61 , 3rd Floor, Room number 305

Students' Office

  • Avenue
    Institute fof Neuroanatomy House N61, ground floor left Room 3

    Petra Hübner

    +49 (0) 40 7410 - 53579

    [email protected]

    Opening hours:

    Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10-12 a.m.
    Please make an appointment by telephone during the lecuture-free period.

    Technical assistance: Mr Gerd Boje

Neuroanatomy Lecturers