DFG research groups at the UKE

Research groups (FOR = Forschergruppen) are close alliances of interdisciplinary cooperating scientists on a specific research topic.

The development of the research topic takes place under consideration of various professional perspectives. The research groups are created for midterm durations and the sponsorship is carried out via the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Clinical Research Units (KFO = Klinische Forschergruppen) are based on the same interdisciplinary cooperation and focusses on disease- or patient-oriented, possibly translational research.

    FOR 5200 - DEEP-DV: Disrupt - Evade - Exploit
    Gene expression and host response programming in DNA virus infection

    Co-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Nicole Fischer (Institute of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene)

    Duration: since 2022

    FOR 5159 Resolving prefrontal flexibility

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ileana Hanganu-Opatz (Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hmaubrg, Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology )
    Duration: since 2022

    FOR 5211 - SOMACROSS Development and Persistence of Somatic Symptoms

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bernd Löwe (Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy)

    Duration: since 2021

    Forschungsgruppe 5068 Sex differences in immunity

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Marcus Altfeld (Institute of Immunology)

    Duration: since 2021

    FOR 2799 "Receiving and Translating Signals via the γδ T Cell Receptor"

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Immo Prinz (Institute for Systems Immunology) ,Subproject "Periphal Shaping of γδ T-Zell repertoires"

    Duration: since 2018

    FOR 2625 Mechanisms of Lysosomal Homeostasis

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. T. Braulke (IOBM, Zellbiologie seltener Erkrankungen), Subproject: Lysosomal gene transcription and protein expression.

    Duration: since 2017

    FOR 2879 ImmunoStroke: Von der Immunzelle zur Schlaganfallregeneration

    Co-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tim Magnus (Neurology)

    Paricipation of UKE: Prof. Dr. Manuel Friese (Neuroimmunology), Subproject: "Decoding neuronal expression networks governed by neuro-immune interactions during stroke recovery"

    Duration: seit 2019

    FOR 2743 "Mechanical Stress Protection at the kidney filtration barrier"

    UKE participation : Prof. Dr. Markus Rinschen (Systemmedizin und Entzündungsforschung), Subproject P8 "Mechanical stressw protection at the kidney barrier"

    Duration: sionce 2018

    Logo FOR 2289

    FOR 2289 "Kalzium-Homöostase bei Neuroinflammation und -degeneration: Neue Ansatzpunkte für die Therapie der multiplen Sklerose?"

    UKE-Beteiligung: Prof. Dr. M. Friese (Neuroimmunologie) mit TP 2 "The role of transient receptor
    potential channels in neuroinflammation"

    Laufzeit: seit 2015

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Dr. rer. nat.
Anne Wulf
  • Team management
  • Core Facilities manager

Campus Lehre N55 , 5th Floor, Room number 05.27.1